I’ll tell Roman to scare him a bit, maybe he’ll succumb then.
Julia Avah Maria Leophas quotedyesterday
“See you later, Mommy.”
Julia Avah Maria Leophas quotedyesterday
But when that first shot rang out, he covered me and my sister with his body. And that says a lot.
Julia Avah Maria Leophas quotedyesterday
I have a feeling she’s not a fan of the crowds. We have that in common.
hmmm an anti-social couple, I see
Julia Avah Maria Leophas quotedyesterday
“I have an extremely youthful personality,”
Liliana Lilihas quoted14 days ago
fucked-up world creates fucked-up people. I’m probably one of them, too, because I accept my reality for what it is.
Liliana Lilihas quoted14 days ago
“Never underestimate the power of woman’s vanity.
Liliana Lilihas quoted14 days ago
The silent types are always the most dangerous.
April Joyce Batahas quoted2 months ago
Ya lyublyu tebya vsey dushoy, solnyshko …Ya ne pozvolyu nikomu zabrat' tebya. – I love you with all my heart, sunshine… I won't let anyone take you away.
April Joyce Batahas quoted2 months ago
Ty luch solntsa v pasmurnyy den’ – You are a ray of light in a cloudy day.