Novela interesante, que no creo que pase moda. Se apega a nuestra actualidad, en donde, encabezado por el internet, el entretenimiento y la superficialidad son parte del diario vivir, enajenado a la sociedad, disminuyendo el pensamiento reflexivo y analítico.
+ Sənin Atanda kitab yandırırdı sən bu peşəni davam etməlisən xoşbəxt olmaq üçün
- Mənim Atam yanğın söndürən idi kitab yandıran deyil...
Keçid mərhələsine yeni düşüncə yaradan kitab...
Говорят одна из лучших 10-и книг написанных против системы. Да так оно и есть. Для всех систем на земле самая большая угроза это человек с книгой.
It's almost impossible to imagine that Ray Bradbury could predict the way our world would change. He's a fantastic writer with a great a fruitful language! So love him!
It's worth to read the foreword which gives some interesting insights on Bradbury's ideas about writing 'Farenheit 451'.
Finished this in a day (stayed up all night!). Kinda sad that it has to end.
This book made me read
A good novel, but definitely overrated.
Rich, deep, meaningful.
Scary depiction of today's reality of people glued to bubble media like fox news.
One of the best books I’ve ever read!!