Quality is not the sole responsibility of QA. If the whole team doesn’t take quality seriously, the release of new features will always be delayed or worse, buggy software gets released.
I have heard many people referring to QA as just a testing entity, which possibly means QA does nothing within the agile environment other than testing. In addition, speaking of agile software development QA, some people may also think that it is just for monitoring agile software development processes, or doing testing only on the project.
In Agile Quality Assurance, Anthony Baah shows clear evidence of the benefits for using agile
QA in the software development concept and the Quality. QA acts as a liaison between the agile team and the business to ensure agile development policy and practices are adhered to. The agile QA provides the agile system engineering lifecycle expertise and guidance to the business people, release management and stakeholders. The team ensures that all the systems of the project go through the agile system engineering lifecycle process successfully.
• PART I: Overview: Transitioning into Agile Transformation
o Chapter 1 Agile Software Development Approach Transformation
o Chapter 2 What QA Team Stands For in Agile Software Development
o Chapter 3 The Evolving Role of QA
o Chapter 4 QA and the Agile Development
o Chapter 5 Scaling Agile QA
o Chapter 6 QA — Risks And Cost Reduction in Agile Software Development
• PART II: Agile Methodology: The Big Picture of Agile QA
o Chapter 7 The Whole Team Approach
o Chapter 8 Agile QA vs Test Plans or Test Cases
o Chapter 9 Agile QA to Determine if Testing Is Done
o Chapter 10 Agile QA vs Acceptance Criteria Development and Review
o Chapter 11 Tracking Production Defects — Agile QA
o Chapter 12 Improving Communication between Agile QA and Development Teams
This book will help you clearly understand the benefits obtained from Agile QA. QA team has the ability to contribute to improving agile work practices within the team environment, ensuring software development efficiency that helps to bring about competitive advantage within the agile software development organization. All these are accomplished by the team’s techniques utilized in finding escaped defects before they get into production environment. There are three hats QA wears which determine the type of helpful roles played in the agile software development. These include quality analyst to know the right things, quality assurer to build quality in, and quality ambassador to indicate if the whole agile team cares