bookmate game
Natsu Hyuuga

The Apothecary Diaries: Volume 11

  • nngatamarikihas quoted14 days ago
    There was one reason, and one reason only, that Rikuson wanted to destroy the family register—and that was because he felt a duty to Gyokuen
  • Isabellahas quotedlast month
    A high wall, however, appeared in front of Maomao. Thoom. Jinshi had risen from his seat and was standing smack in front of her.

    “Yes, sir?” she asked. Jinshi continued to look less than pleased.

    “It has come to my attention that this man with whom you claim not to be especially close recently proposed marriage to you.”

    At least he was to the point.
  • Hopeday2020has quotedyesterday
    and he was taking little glances at Maomao.
  • Hopeday2020has quotedyesterday
    “You seem oddly...accepting of that idea,” Jinshi said, looking mildly annoyed.
  • Hopeday2020has quotedyesterday
    “No matter what the outcome, the Moon Prince will come home very tired. This calls for a medicinal brew that will whisk away the fatigue—ideally something not too bitter.”
  • Hopeday2020has quotedyesterday
    The thought saddened Rikuson, but there was no avoiding it.
  • Hopeday2020has quoted2 days ago
    Had he really needed a charge? He seemed well in control of this situation.
  • Hopeday2020has quoted2 days ago
    Jinshi’s perfect lips curled into a smile.
  • nunezivonne16has quoted5 days ago
    Maomao barely heard what Chue was saying. Her head was full of a single thought.

    “Miss Chue.”


    “Does Master Jinshi believe that there’s a benefit to be had here? Is he going to war?”

    Chue just smiled and answered her with a question of her own. “Do you think he could?”

    Not on his own. It wouldn’t be possible.

    Chue smiled again, and almost as if she could read Maomao’s mind, said, “It’s times of peace—and only peace—that make the Moon Prince the great man he is.”

    Was that a compliment? Maomao wasn’t sure—but it did make her feel a little bit better.
  • nunezivonne16has quoted5 days ago
    Wait—had Lahan written to anyone else recently? A thought of the young woman Lahan referred to as his little sister flashed through Rikuson’s mind. He considered asking her if she’d heard anything from him, but then thought better of it. It would be best if he kept his distance from Maomao. He knew she would keep her distance from him—that she would have to. That would be better for both of them. That was why Rikuson had made the joking offer of marriage: a joke it was, but he knew that the hyperprotective elements around Maomao would respond immediately.
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