he challenge had been proffered. So dedicated did I become to my job that I was willing to downgrade every other priority in order to put in more time at the office, to achieve that next level. Did I ever feel conflicted as I turned down trips to the beach with my girlfriends, guilty at blowing off night after night of friends’ happy hours, or anxious over the fact that I hadn’t left myself much time to go on dates with guys, let alone attempt a new relationship? Hardly a day went by that I didn’t. But I’d gotten a later start than most. If I ever wanted to be viewed as something other than a mail-retrieving, phone-answering, yes-girl junior editor, I couldn’t afford to slack off now. And if I got the promotion to associate and moved one more spot up the masthead, it really wouldn’t matter what I’d given up to get there. I was still years away from my thirtieth birthday. There’d be plenty of time for family, friends, and new boyfriends then—right