The most precious thing you can give a woman, a worthy woman, is intimacy, time, truth, safety, and friendship.
Sekar Chamdihas quoted2 years ago
it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all
Sekar Chamdihas quoted2 years ago
Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.
a out of contexthas quoted3 years ago
There was going to be a moment when she regretted the decision to surrender to Liam Mackenzie. But tonight was not that night, and this moment was not that moment.
a out of contexthas quoted3 years ago
There was going to be a moment when she regretted the decision to surrender to Liam Mackenzie. But tonight was not that night, and this moment was not that moment.
a out of contexthas quoted3 years ago
Whatever he read on her features inspired a glance of such victorious self-satisfaction on his face, she suddenly wanted to throw something at him.
Something like herself, perhaps.
a out of contexthas quoted3 years ago
This moment, every moment, whether good or terrible, will pass into oblivion and so I must live it. I must see it through. And, eventually, a new day will come again. Another chance for something better.”
a out of contexthas quoted3 years ago
I think, he will be sorry that he did not.”
“Why do you say that?” Mena queried.
“Because, Miss Philomena Lockhart, we all expected you to be old and fat, not young and pretty.”
a out of contexthas quoted3 years ago
No,” Mena answered, before remembering her manners. “No, thank you.”