Harlan Ellison

I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream

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  • Vasilija Skendžićhas quotedlast year
    , whom we created because our time was badly spent and we must have known unconsciously that he could do it better.
  • Vasilija Skendžićhas quotedlast year
    My mind was a roiling tinkling chittering softness of brain parts
  • Vasilija Skendžićhas quotedlast year
    Daddy the Deranged.
  • tyahas quotedlast year
    AM could not wander, AM could not wonder, AM could not belong. He could merely be. And so, with the innate loathing that all machines had always held for the weak soft creatures who had built them, he had sought revenge. And in his paranoia, he had decided to reprieve five of us, for a personal, everlasting punishment that would never serve to diminish his hatred … that would merely keep him reminded, amused, proficient at hating man.
  • tyahas quotedlast year
    AM had been as ruthless with its own life as with ours. It was a mark of his personality: it strove for perfection.
  • b2004221204has quoted2 years ago
    None of us could get to her. We clung tenaciously to whatever outcropping we had reached: Benny wedged in between two great crackle–finish cabinets, Nimdok with fingers claw–formed over a railing circling a catwalk forty feet above us. Gorrister plastered upside–down against a wall niche formed by two great machines with glassfaced dials that swung back and forth between red and yellow lines whose meanings we could not even fathom.

    Sliding across the deckplates, the tips of my fingers had been ripped away. I was trembling, shuddering, rocking as the wind beat at me, whipped at me, screamed down out of nowhere at me and pulled me free from one sliver–thin opening in the plates to the next. My mind was a roiling tinkling chittering softness of brain parts that expanded and contracted in quivering frenzy.

    The wind was the scream of a great mad bird, as it flapped its immense wings.

    And then we were all lifted and hurled away from there, down back the way we had come, around a bend, into a darkway we had never explored, over terrain that was ruined and filled with broken glass and rotting cables and rusted metal and far away further than any of us had ever been…

    Trailing along miles behind Ellen, I could see her every now and then, crashing into metal walls and surging on, with all of us screaming in the freezing, thunderous hurricane wind that would never end and then suddenly it stopped and we fell. We had been in flight for an endless time. I thought it might have been weeks. We fell, and hit, and I went through red and gray and black and heard myself moaning. Not dead.

    Tak satu pun dari kita bisa mendapatkan dia. Kami berpegang teguh pada apa pun yang telah kami capai: Benny terjepit di antara dua lemari besar, Nimdok dengan cakar jari–terbentuk di atas pagar yang mengelilingi catwalk empat puluh kaki di atas kami. Gorrister terpampang terbalik terhadap ceruk dinding yang dibentuk oleh dua mesin besar dengan cepat glassfaced yang berayun bolak-balik antara garis merah dan kuning yang maknanya kita bahkan tidak bisa memahami.

    Meluncur di deckplates, ujung jari saya telah merobek. Aku gemetar, gemetar, bergoyang saat angin bertiup ke arahku, mencambukku, berteriak entah dari mana padaku dan menarikku bebas dari satu celah tipis di piring ke piring berikutnya. Pikiran saya adalah bergolak gemerincing chittering kelembutan bagian otak yang diperluas dan dikontrak dalam bergetar hiruk-pikuk.

    Angin adalah jeritan burung gila yang hebat, saat mengepakkan sayapnya yang besar.

    Dan kemudian kami semua diangkat dan dilemparkan jauh dari sana, turun kembali cara kami datang, sekitar tikungan, ke darkway kami tidak pernah dieksplorasi, atas medan yang hancur dan penuh dengan pecahan kaca dan membusuk kabel dan logam berkarat dan jauh lebih jauh dari kami yang pernah…

    Trailing sepanjang mil di belakang Ellen, aku bisa melihat dia setiap sekarang dan kemudian, menabrak dinding logam dan bergelombang pada, dengan kita semua berteriak dalam pembekuan, angin badai gemuruh yang tidak akan pernah berakhir dan kemudian tiba-tiba berhenti dan kami jatuh. Kami telah dalam penerbangan untuk waktu yang tak ada habisnya. Saya pikir mungkin sudah berminggu-minggu. Kami jatuh, dan memukul, dan aku pergi melalui Merah dan abu-abu dan hitam dan mendengar diriku mengerang. Tidak mati.

  • 🌸Lara🌸has quoted3 years ago
    God as Daddy the Deranged.
  • Roza Nabihas quoted6 months ago
    They might have settled on a pathetic sense of loss, had their sensibilities run that deep, but none of them would have felt that the expression said, with great finality: a man may truly live in his dreams, his noblest dreams, but only, only if he is worthy of those dreams.
  • Roza Nabihas quoted6 months ago
    Genesis refers to sin that coucheth at the door, or croucheth at the door, and so this was no new thing, but old, so very old, as old as the senseless acts that had given it birth, and the madness that was causing it to mature, and the guilty sorrow—the lonelyache—that would inevitably cause it to devour itself and all within its sight.
  • Roza Nabihas quoted6 months ago
    Rung in by a watchful God who allotted only certain amounts of fear and depravity to each sleeptime.
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