Edoardo Ponti

Letters from a Young Father

  • Bibi Kosherovahas quoted6 years ago
    You are not the first
    The sun has kissed nor the last
    But we will hold you and kiss you
    Like the very first and the very last
    No wind has blown through your hair
    No ground has touched your feet
    But you are in our every step
    & all the air
    You are still beyond time
    But in our eyes you are already forever
    Neither boy nor girl
    We raise your tiny heart to the sun
    & offer the promise of you to the sky
    To the earth & to the wind
    Let them bless those fresh first heartbeats
    Those tiny knocks on our door
    Born from courage
    And the faith
    Of this new soul called
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago
    wholeness that comes with peace

    The peace behind the leap of faith

    The faith we touched when we rested our
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago
    A child is not given to a parent

    Only lent
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago
    There are questions that only exist

    To be asked

    Never answered
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago
    Why do people have to die
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago

    So get out of the way

    Let life guide you

    Whoever it is


    Whatever the price

    Reach out to them with abandon

    Love truthfully

    And faithfully

    Because if you don’t

    You’ll end up

    Sharing your days with someone

    Who reminds you of the one

    You were born to die for

    & that’s not living
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago

    So get out of the way

    Let life guide you

    Whoever it is


    Whatever the price

    Reach out to them with abandon

    Love truthfully

    And faithfully

    Because if you don’t

    You’ll end up

    Sharing your days with someone

    Who reminds you of the one

    You were born to die for

    & that’s not living
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago
    say that God exists might be a lie

    But to say He doesn’t is an even bigger one
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago
    Have the courage

    To find meaning without them

    True meaning

    Is understanding rather than knowing

    Understanding that

    Although you will never hold all the whys or the wherefores

    You can live deeply and faithfully nonetheless
  • Lilihas quoted5 years ago
    Answers are not the answer

    It’s the question that counts

    Instead of wasting away

    Searching for answers
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