Charlotte Rosen Svensson

CultureShock! Sweden. A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

  • embrunshas quoted9 years ago
    Finnkampen. The longest running track and field competition between two nations is in Sweden and Finland on alternate years, and is always sold out
  • embrunshas quoted9 years ago
    Another Scandinavian joke (told by the Swedes on themselves) is that of two Danes, Norwegians, Finns and Swedes stranded on four separate islands. By the time they are all rescued, the Danes have set up a co-operative, the Norwegians are out fishing, the Finns have cut down all the trees and the Swedes are still waiting to be introduced.
  • embrunshas quoted9 years ago
    Take the change and the paper with a third thank you and goodbye. The newsagent says goodbye as well. This means at least nine extra words as far as a Swede is concerned—just think of the waste, and no one benefits from this! Better just to do the job and get on with it
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