Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England was a place of vitality, experimentation, expanding horizons and lots of small-minded, petty, badly mannered, irritating and irreverent oiks, guls, gallants and harridans. And I love them all.
Paul Trillerhas quoted3 years ago
Bad behaviour can be so much more illuminating than the world of the respectable conformist, for it is those who push against the boundaries of cultural etiquette who most accurately define where the lines are drawn.
Maria Sapozhnikovahas quoted3 years ago
Humphrey Richardson cannot have enjoyed being called a ‘lousy rogue, nitty britch knave, and scurvy nitty britch knave’ in 1610.
Maria Sapozhnikovahas quoted3 years ago
‘clown’ and ‘ass’ were excellent shouting terms.
aboykova13has quoted4 years ago
have long lost their rationale
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River Wildhas quoted5 years ago
I would love to find out which things gladdened their hearts and which things annoyed and irritated them