When people say, “You’re not going to make a speech, are you?”—they really and truly hope that you will not.
Speeches are presentations that explode subjects. Speeches have a way of getting fatter and fatter as they are being given. (How often have you said to yourself, “What is that guy talking about?”) As speeches expand, they rumble and ramble, and generally create a lot of smoke. (Ever noticed how much coughing a really bad speech can generate?)
Most speeches have very little impact because they don’t ask you to do anything. I asked an ex-boss of mine what he wanted to accomplish in an upcoming speech. He said, “Oh, I just want to open their minds up.” Fine. Great. Admirable. But most people are not sitting around waiting to have their minds opened up. They are waiting for you to drive home a specific point or idea that they can really use.