The fall turned the woman to seek dominance over the man, and the fall turned the man to seek dominance over the woman. A life of struggling for control is the way of life for the fallen. But the good news story of the Bible is that the fall eventually gives way to new creation; the fallen can be reborn and re-created. Sadly, the church has far too often perpetuated the fall as a permanent condition. Perpetuating the fall entails failing to restore creation conditions when it comes to male and female relationships. This is against both Jesus and Paul, who each read the Bible as a story that moves from creation (oneness) to new creation (oneness).
Jesus informed his disciples that although Moses permitted divorce, which annihilates the Creator’s designed union in marriage, divorce was
not God’s original intention. Permanence, love, oneness, and mutuality were God’s intent in original creation. Jesus, then, appeals to Story, to the original creation, to show how God’s people are supposed to live in the new creation. Moses’ permission for divorce pertains, so it seems to me, to a life too deeply marred by the fall. A Jesus community undoes the distortions of the fall because it seeks to live out the fullness of the Story.