Anne Brontë

Agnes Grey

  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted3 years ago
    I like to talk to him, because he’s so clever and amusing—I wish Sir Thomas Ashby were half as nice;
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted3 years ago
    “a soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger.”
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted3 years ago
    ‘“Well,” says he, “you know the first and great commandment—and the second, which is like unto it—on which two commandments hang all the law and the prophets? You say you cannot love God; but it strikes me that if you rightly consider who and what He is, you cannot help it. He is your father, your best friend: every blessing, everything good, pleasant, or useful, comes from Him; and everything evil, everything you have reason to hate, to shun, or to fear, comes from Satan—His enemy as well as ours. And for this cause was God manifest in the flesh, that He might destroy the works of the Devil: in one word, God is love; and the more of love we have within us, the nearer we are to Him and the more of His spirit we possess.”

    ‘“Well, sir,” I said, “if I can always think on these things, I think I might well love God: but how can I love my neighbours, when they vex me, and be so contrary and sinful as some on ’em is?”

    ‘“It may seem a hard matter,” says he, “to love our neighbours, who have so much of what is evil about them, and whose faults so often awaken the evil that lingers within ourselves; but remember that He made them, and He loves them; and whosoever loveth him that begat, loveth him that is begotten also. And if God so loveth us, that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us, we ought also to love one another. But if you cannot feel positive affection for those who do not care for you, you can at least try to do to them as you would they should do unto you: you can endeavour to pity their failings and excuse their offences, and to do all the good you can to those about you. And if you accustom yourself to this, Nancy, the very effort itself will make you love them in some degree—to say nothing of the goodwill your kindness would beget in them, though they might have little else that is good about them. If we love God and wish to serve Him, let us try to be like Him, to do His work, to labour for His glory—which is the good of man—to hasten the coming of His kingdom, which is the peace and happiness of all the world: however powerless we may seem to be, in doing all the good we can through life, the humblest of us may do much towards it: and let us dwell in love, that He may dwell in us and we in Him. The more happiness we bestow, the more we shall receive, even here; and the greater will be our reward in heaven when we rest from our labours.”
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted3 years ago
    Rosalie knew all her charms, and thought them even greater than they were, and valued them more highly than she ought to have done, had they been three times as great;
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted3 years ago
    He seldom deigned to notice me; and, when he did, it was with a certain supercilious insolence of tone and manner that convinced me he was no gentleman: though it was intended to have a contrary effect.
  • Andy Hidalgohas quoted4 years ago
    The merciful man shows mercy to his beast,”’ I ventured to add.
  • Andy Hidalgohas quoted4 years ago
    Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”’
  • Andy Hidalgohas quoted4 years ago
    ‘When Master Bloomfield’s amusements consist in injuring sentient creatures,’ I answered, ‘I think it my duty to interfere.’
    ‘You seemed to have forgotten,’ said she, calmly, ‘that the creatures were all created for our convenience.’
    I thought that doctrine admitted some doubt, but merely replied—‘If they were, we have no right to torment them for our amusement.’
    ‘I think,’ said she, ‘a child’s amusement is scarcely to be weighed against the welfare of a soulless brute.’
    ‘But, for the child’s own sake, it ought not to be encouraged to have such amusements,’ answered I, as meekly as I could, to make up for such unusual pertinacity. ‘“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”’
  • katrinlfhas quoted4 years ago
    I should like to be a governess
  • katrinlfhas quoted4 years ago
    I thought she must have been very happy: but she never seemed to regret
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