“My name is Celaena Sardothien, and I will not be afraid.”
trepidationz6has quoted6 years ago
second-in-command. Celaena knew ve
Nedahas quoted3 hours ago
She’d seen those three men before. Somewhere—at some point that she couldn’t quite recall …
Nedahas quoted3 hours ago
She was fire, she was darkness, she was dust and blood and shadow.
She hurtled through the streets, each step faster than the last as that black fire burned through thought and feeling until all that remained was her rage and her prey.
Nedahas quoted4 days ago
Slowly, Celaena turned north, toward the source of the breeze, which smelled of a faraway land she hadn’t seen in eight years. Pine and snow—a city still in winter’s grasp.
Nedahas quoted4 days ago
Gods above, even with the mask obscuring half of his features, he was handsome.
Nedahas quoted17 days ago
This girl wasn’t like wildfire—she was wildfire. Deadly and uncontrollable. And slightly out of her wits.
Eva Gutierrez Covarrubiashas quoted24 days ago
that an assassin’s jewel would pay for a healer’s education.
So maybe it was the gods at work. Maybe it was some force beyond them, beyond mortal comprehension. Or maybe it was just for what and who Celaena would never be.
Alina Shevchenkohas quotedlast month
She wouldn’t leave him like this, in this cold, dark room.