Nathaniel Fick

One Bullet Away

  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    Begin planning, arrange reconnaissance, make reconnaissance.
  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    In December, when I was given a tactical problem and one minute to identify key considerations, I may have come up with five. By March, I saw thirty. In May, fifty. Our assessment process sped up, and with it our actions. We learned to use speed as a weapon, to create opportunities and exploit them.
  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    wrote so many orders in SMEAC format that its components became ingrained.
  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    Decentralize command and allow subordinates to operate freely within the framework of the commander’s intent. Train them as a team. Develop trust, loyalty, initiative.
  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    Commanders must command from where they can influence the action. Marine officers, we were told, lead from the front. They thrive on chaos. We learned that the Corps relies on mission-type orders: “Tell me what to do, not how to do it.”
  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    hallmark is maneuver warfare, slipping around the enemy’s hard surfaces and into his open gaps. Never attack into the teeth of the guns. We learned that indecision is a decision, that inaction has a cost all its own. Good commanders act and create opportunities. Great commanders ruthlessly exploit those opportunities and throw the enemy into disarray.
  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    Speed, we were taught, is a weapon. Be aggressive. Keep the tempo high. The Marine Corps’s
  • Сержио Болдыревhas quoted2 years ago
    The key consideration in any tactical move is “to turn the map around.” Look at your own situation from the enemy’s perspective. What are your vulnerabilities? Where will he hit you, and what can you do to defeat him?
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