bookmate game
P. G. Wodehouse

The Prince and Betty

  • Crystal Alexanderhas quoted6 years ago
    "Did you want anything, sir?"
    "I've got it, thanks," said John.
  • Crystal Alexanderhas quoted6 years ago
    The thought of her made him feel, for instance, vaguely chivalrous. He wanted to do risky and useful things for her.
  • Crystal Alexanderhas quoted6 years ago
    She began to see that in America, and especially in New York, anything may happen to anybody
  • Crystal Alexanderhas quoted6 years ago
    That species of sixth sense which lies undeveloped at the back of our minds during the ordinary happenings of life wakes sometimes in moments of keen emotion. At its highest, it is prophecy; at its lowest, a vague presentiment
  • Crystal Alexanderhas quoted6 years ago
    Her chin, always determined, became a silent Declaration of Independence
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