Артур Конан Дойл,С.Г.Тамбовцева,Елена Глушенкова,Д.В. Положенцева

Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (сборник)

  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    help me to escape from boredom of life
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    did not need Mr. Jabez Wilson’s absence any longer
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    detected and defeated
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    sprang out and seized
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    sprang to his feet again and put his lens in his pocket.
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    e murderer, thief, and forger
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    account of the bequest
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    Your right cuff is so shiny, and the left one has a patch near the elbow where you put it on the desk.”
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    blazing red head.
  • Карима Фёдороваhas quoted9 years ago
    The ventilator and the bell-rope which hung down to the bed drew my attention. The discovery that the bell did not ring, and that the bed was fastened to the floor, gave me an idea that the rope was there as a bridge for something to pass through the opening and to come to the bed. The idea of a snake occurred to me at once, and when I recalled that the doctor kept animals from India, I felt that I was probably right. The idea of using poison which could not be discovered by any chemical test could occur to a clever man who had lived in India.
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