To develop your business name:
Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into four boxes.
In each box, write one of these words: Values, Image, Uniqueness, Services.
In values, list down all the things that are important to you, what really matters – e.g. personal service, efficiency, attention to detail, expertise.
In image, list all the words you would like people to say when describing your business.
In uniqueness, think about why you will be different – e.g. 24 hour service.
In service, list what you will offer, all the variations of your products or service.
Based on these words, find some friends and brainstorm to generate various names.
Look at the names in lowercase and UPPERCASE.
Check with your Companies Registration Office to see if the name is available.
Go online to see whether a suitable website address is available.
Say the name out loud and check whether it sounds good.
Put the names onto a wall in your office and leave them there for a few days and then decide which is preferred or which name grows on you!