bookmate game
William Somerset Maugham

The Moon and Sixpence

  • Oksana Korostelhas quoted7 years ago
    "Why should you think that beauty, which is the most precious thing in the world, lies like a stone on the beach for the careless passer-by to pick up idly? Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the chaos of the world in the torment of his soul. And when he has made it, it is not given to all to know it. To recognize it you must repeat the adventure of the artist. It is a melody that he sings to you, and to hear it again in your own heart you want knowledge and sensitiveness and imagination."
  • Maria Gorelovahas quoted9 years ago
    one of the falsest of proverbs is that you must lie on the bed that you have made.
  • yuliamulinohas quoted10 months ago
    The artist, painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies the aesthetic sense; but that is akin to the sexual instinct, and shares its barbarity:

    Художник, живописец, поэт или музыкант своим украшением, возвышенным или прекрасным, удовлетворяет эстетическое чувство; но это сродни половому инстинкту и разделяет его варварство:

  • yuliamulinohas quoted10 months ago
    The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule, and it is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend or of perversity to extol him.

    Прошло то время, когда он был объектом насмешек, и теперь не считается признаком эксцентричности защищать или извращенности восхвалять его.

  • yuliamulinohas quoted10 months ago
    His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits.
  • Sofya Filatovahas quotedlast year
    His forehead was all puckered, and his red mouth set in a pout. He reminded me oddly of an agitated guinea-pig
  • elf1001has quoted2 years ago
    Brueghel gave me the impression of a man striving to express in one medium feelings more appropriate to expression in another, and it may be that it was the obscure consciousness of this that excited Strickland's sympathy. Perhaps both were trying to put down in paint ideas which were more suitable to literature.
  • elf1001has quoted2 years ago
    Looking back, I realise that what I have written about Charles Strickland must seem very unsatisfactory. I have given incidents that came to my knowledge, but they remain obscure because I do not know the reasons that led to them.

    Перелом в отношении автора к своему повествованию нужен, возможно, чтобы показать как часто мы судим о других по поступкам не пытаясь понять причин или предпосылок.

  • elf1001has quoted2 years ago
    Why are you concerned about my comfort?"
    "I'm not," I retorted, "but only about my own. It makes me uncomfortable to see someone sit on an uncomfortable chair."

    Знак того, что наш рассказчик очень эмпатичный человек?

  • elf1001has quoted2 years ago
    "Will you write to Blanche for me?"

    Сопоставление пар Стриклэнд - миссис Стриклэнд. Струве - Бланш.
    Миссис С и Струве преувеличенно эмоциональны и пытаются вернуть сбежавшего партнёра любыми способами. Эмоции Стриклэнда и Бланш считываются тяжелее.

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