You don’t need to use your willpower all the time; this would be wasteful, like keeping your motor running when your car is parked in the driveway. The secret to maximising your willpower is to make sure it’s available when and where you need it most.
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
There’s always another mountain to climb! Acknowledging, sharing and elaborating on your success boosts your confidence and therefore your willpower for further challenges.
Михаил Жуковhas quoted7 years ago
Rating Goals According to Importance and Urgency: An Example
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
Managing stress, acquiring good sleep habits, and embedding physical and mental exercise into your routine are the key ingredients of a lifestyle that promotes and sustains willpower.
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
Stress saps willpower.
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
Both excessive delay and setting unrealistic or unattainable standards can deplete your willpower in different ways.
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
If you never experienced any setbacks or problems growing up, imagine how disconcerting you’d find it the first time you experienced a real challenge!
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
Willpower × Motivation × Ability = Level of Success
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
Being physically active increases your brain fitness by making brain cells more communicative.
Mikie Joneshas quoted8 years ago
If you encounter a roadblock in the quest for your goal, the problem may not be you: it could be the goal that you chose. Ask yourself whether your goal was realistic and specific.