bookmate game
Liam Brown


  • Maria Talathas quoted5 years ago
    books are the only opportunity we ever get to experience true empathy with another human being. To see the world through their eyes. To walk in their shoes.
  • Maria Talathas quoted5 years ago
    I just resent pivotal moments in our lives being reduced to nothing more than a photo opportunity. To fucking content. Something to like and share and then move on from, everything filtered and framed with the same bland conformity of a fashion spread, an endless popularity contest designed to distract us from the fact that our lives are pretty much totally bereft of any deeper meaning. It’s all just so depressing.’
  • Maria Talathas quoted5 years ago
    Thoughts don’t happen in isolation. They come wrapped in the baggage of a lifetime of personal experiences and history and education and all the rest of it.
  • Xenia Putilinahas quoted5 years ago
    just resent pivotal moments in our lives being reduced to nothing more than a photo opportunity. To fucking content. Something
  • Xenia Putilinahas quoted6 years ago
    Every character needs context.
  • Xenia Putilinahas quoted6 years ago
    reader has to know where they’ve come from, what they’ve been through. I’m not saying you have to be likeable. But you do have to be
  • Xenia Putilinahas quoted6 years ago
    riumph over adversity.
  • b9851735576has quoted6 years ago
    Or Eastern European, perhaps.
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