Main Idea
Managing employees productively is exceptionally hard to achieve. It takes a deft touch to be able to balance all the competing interests -- the company’s, the customer’s, the employee’s and the manager’s own interests to name just a few. Yet some managers consistently do just that, while others flounder and fail.
Over a 25-year period, the Gallup Organization surveyed employees and managers to try and identify the patterns of success great managers use. This analysis showed:
Great managers do not believe that every person, given enough training, can do anything they set their mind to.
Great managers do not, in fact, try and help people overcome their weaknesses.
Great managers play favorites, and treat their employees quite differently.
In fact, there emerged four keys that great managers use to draw exceptional performance from those they are responsible for:
Great managers select employees for their talents, not for their skills or experience.
Great managers set specific and high expectations -- they define the right outcome and leave the method up to the employee.
Great managers motivate by building on strengths rather than dwelling on or trying eliminate weaknesses.
Great managers find the appropriate career path -- the next rung on the corporate ladder -- for each employee.
If these keys to unlocking world-class performance work for the great managers, it makes sense for everyone interested in producing similar results to study these keys and implement them in the context of their own business requirement