It’s being heralded as a silent revolution, a state of the art global tracking device, and as significant of an invention as the Internet or even the computer itself. What is this device? It’s none other than RFID. But with all the hoopla aside, the question we need to be asking ourselves is this. “Is RFID man’s greatest invention or Mark of the Beast?” Even though this inquiry is obviously important and seriously consequential, the irony is that hardly anyone, even Christians, have any idea what it is in the first place, let alone its Biblical ramifications. Therefore, this book, RFID Man’s Greatest Invention or Mark of the Beast takes you on an exciting technological journey to equip you with the highly detailed facts concerning this last days planetary tracking device. Here you will have such startling insights revealed to you as: The Definition and History of RFID, The Tracking Abilities of RFID, The Data Mining of RFID,The Types & Sizes of RFID, The Dangers of RFID in the Retail Industry and Food Supply.