bookmate game
Patrick King

Mindful Listening

  • ashleyjuliadahas quotedlast month
    Summarize or paraphrase key points to show understanding and strengthen the connection with the speaker.
  • ashleyjuliadahas quotedlast month
    Utilize affirmative body language—position toward the speaker, nod, and vocalize agreement.
  • Melissa Spittelhas quoted4 months ago
    Hopefully you can see that the issue was simply that they were unprepared.
  • Melissa Spittelhas quoted4 months ago
    listeners do not receive the same level of praise, attention, instruction, or credibility as speakers. They should!
  • Riyam Alshimmaryhas quoted3 days ago
    There is appreciative listening, empathic listening, comprehensive listening, and critical listening.
  • Riyam Alshimmaryhas quoted3 days ago
    Just like there are many, many different ways to speak, write, and express yourself, there are many ways to listen. Not all ways of listening are created equal, and what is appropriate in one context may not be so in another.
  • Riyam Alshimmaryhas quoted3 days ago
    The partner protests and denies this, and promptly repeats everything they’ve just been told, in precise detail.
  • Riyam Alshimmaryhas quoted3 days ago
    Here’s a story you have probably heard before, or else lived through yourself.
  • Juahthni Zheidhhas quoted3 days ago
    Entering a discussion with a pre-existing agenda

    • Conversations had under duress, force, or emotional manipulation—for example, one party wants to avoid it, whereas the other wants to force it

    • Automatically judging someone’s grammar usage, accent, or mode of expression
  • Juahthni Zheidhhas quoted3 days ago
    Being too emotionally aggravated to be fully present—e.g., overly angry, sad, or scared
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