Oh that I could see to the Other Realm – that I could
learn the magic of the Ancients. Oh that the secrets of
the Wise Ones could be whispered in my ears that I
might know their beauty and their power – that I might
love again this land and hear the voices of the Goddess
and the God in the trees and in the rivers.
Oh Goddess of the Flame and Well. God of the Wind
and Sea, of Star and Stone, God and Goddess of all life, I
ask that I might know the ways of Druidcraft, to sow the
seeds of love and beauty in the world and in my life. I will
use the knowledge that I gain, the magic that I learn, to
help and heal, to grow and change. I will nurture the child,
tend the plants and animals around me, foster strength
and courage in the hearts of all.