Jack was getting bold, which meant he was probably about to screw up.
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
felt a strange, unfamiliar sense of shame, as though those thoughts constituted not infidelity, exactly, but something like desperation.
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
some part of her, the animal part, would know she was being watched. They always do.
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
It didn’t purr, and when he pulled his hand away, it latched onto his forearm with both paws, its claws sinking into his flesh.
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
he could take hold of someone’s legs and bring them down to the dark, cold river bottom, where he could breathe but
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
he’d like to spend time in the apartment with her, especially if she didn’t know he was there
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
It was half and half. Always and forever.
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
He’d read or heard somewhere that if a man wanted to change his appearance he should shave his head and grow a mustache.
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
From ghoulies and ghosties And long-leggedy beasties And other things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us
Habitante de librohas quoted5 years ago
doesn’t make sense. It makes him look guilty, so, if he is guilty, why would he lie? He’d just be caught out.” “Welcome to my world,” the detective said,