
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus

  • Kara Jordanhas quoted4 years ago

    "Friend, thou hast forgotten thine intention
  • Alexander Revinskyhas quoted9 years ago
    Nature hath given men one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak.
  • Alexander Revinskyhas quoted9 years ago
    If is shameful for a Judge to be judged by others.
  • Minao94has quoted4 months ago
    He that hath no musical instruction is a child in Music; he that hath no letters is a child in Learning; he that is untaught is a child in Life.
  • Minao94has quoted4 months ago
    My brother ought not to have treated me thus."

    True: but he must see to that. However he may treat me, I must deal rightly by him. This is what lies with me, what none can hinder.
  • Minao94has quoted5 months ago
    But when did you ever undertake a voyage for the purpose of reviewing your own principles and getting rid of any of them that proved unsound? Whom did you ever visit for that object? What time did you ever set yourself for that? What age
  • Minao94has quoted7 months ago
    Why? Because you have not stirred my spirit. For what can I see in you to stir me, as a spirited horse will stir a judge of horses? Your body? That you maltreat. Your dress? That is luxurious. You behavior, your look?—Nothing whatever. When you want to hear a philosopher, do not say, You say nothing to me'; only show yourself worthy or fit to hear, and then you will see how you will move the speaker."
  • Minao94has quoted7 months ago
    are all profited by what they hear, or only some among them? So that it seems there is an art of hearing as well as of speaking. . . . To make a statue needs skill: to view a statue aright needs skill also
  • Minao94has quoted7 months ago
    If you have assumed a character beyond your strength, you have both played a poor figure in that, and neglected one that is within your powers.
  • Minao94has quoted7 months ago
    If you have assumed a character beyond your strength, you have both played a poor figure in that, and neglected one that is within your powers.

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