Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Secret Garden

  • Lebohang Makhanyahas quoted9 years ago
    You can lose a friend in springtime easier than any other season
  • windhas quotedlast year
    One of the new things peo­ple be­gan to find out in the last cen­tury was that thoughts—just mere thoughts—are as pow­er­ful as elec­tric bat­ter­ies—as good for one as sun­light is, or as bad for one as poi­son.
  • Olenahas quotedlast year
    while those whom Mary saw slunk or hur­ried about with ashy and scared faces
  • windhas quotedlast year
    you may never get over it as long as you live.
  • Marie Verhagenhas quoted10 years ago
    "Mistress Mary, quite contrary,

    How does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle shells, And marigolds all in a row."
  • mkandkk01has quoted10 years ago
    . It is very sad, now the poor beautiful thing is gone
  • mkandkk01has quoted10 years ago
    It is very sad, now the poor beautiful thing is gone
  • mkandkk01has quoted10 years ago
    "Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells, and cockle shells, And marigolds all in a row."
  • Anahas quoted16 hours ago
    “I did it! The Magic worked!” he cried. “That is my first sci­en­tific dis­cov­ery.”
  • Anahas quoted16 hours ago
    Every­thing is made out of Magic, leaves and trees, flow­ers and birds, bad­gers and foxes and squir­rels and peo­ple. So it must be all around us. In this gar­den—in all the places. The Magic in this gar­den has made me stand up and know I am go­ing to live to be a man. I am go­ing to make the sci­en­tific ex­per­i­ment of try­ing to get some and put it in my­self and make it push and draw me and make me strong.
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