Affirm yourself. In other words, intentionally choose to believe positive things about yourself. After you’ve thought of them, write them down and reflect on them regularly.
2. Learn from mistakes, but don’t linger on them. When you fail or fall short, reflect on your shortcomings only long enough to learn from them. Then move on. After a mistake, the majority of your mental work should be devoted to picking out the positive, building on it, and applying it again and again.
3. Maintain perspective. Belief builds upon belief. It takes hundreds of minor movements to make it up a mountain, in the same way that it takes several small steps to achieve success. So, be patient with yourself as you attempt to alter your attitude. It’s all about perspective; the way you looked at something yesterday might not be worlds away from your approach today, but as long as you have a different angle, you’re making progress.
4. Keep learning. If we aren’t learning and growing, we are decaying and dying. As you increase your learning in life, you increase your earning. Your efforts with this book are a great place to start. Keep at it and apply the information.