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Nick Trenton

The Art of Letting Go

  • my22m8sqhas quoted13 days ago
    The faculty of judgment governs the way people think, feel, and believe. The faculty of desire guides one's desires and fears. The faculty of will directs one’s intentions, decisions, and actions. Using these faculties in proper balance can allow people to live a fulfilling and virtuous life. Epictetus' teachings are a reminder that people have the power to shape their own experiences and must take responsibility for their thoughts and actions in order to live a happy and meaningful life.
  • my22m8sqhas quoted13 days ago
    focusing on what is within one’s control and cultivating the right mindset, people can achieve inner peace, freedom, and a good life, regardless of external circumstances.
  • my22m8sqhas quoted14 days ago
    if they spend too much energy trying to change their partner's behavior or worrying about things they cannot control, it may create conflict and damage the relationship.
  • kkpgh8jxxjhas quotedlast month
    One way to practice self-distancing is to use language that reflects a third-person perspective, such as referring to oneself by name or using "he/she/they" instead of "I/me/my."
  • kkpgh8jxxjhas quotedlast month
    By creating space between oneself and a source of conflict or strong emotions, individuals can gain a more reflective perspective on the situation and identify strategies for moving forward
  • kkpgh8jxxjhas quotedlast month
    romote the ability to let go of negative experiences
  • kkpgh8jxxjhas quotedlast month
    Healthy self-distancing involves taking an observer's perspective on one's own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to gain greater self-awareness and insight
  • kkpgh8jxxjhas quotedlast month
    nother benefit of psychological distancing is its ability to promote emotion regulation
  • kkpgh8jxxjhas quotedlast month
    sychological distancing can be beneficial is by helping individuals gain a clearer perspective on a situation
  • kkpgh8jxxjhas quotedlast month
    began by taking note of what triggered these negative thoughts
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