Desiring a godly way of life?
From Genesis 3:1–24: the consequence of Man‘s disobedience is separation from God‘s presence and guiding light…Spiritual Death. Man live more on the materialistic World and his Flesh Sensual Awakening [FSA].
Inspite of benefits of the seed and fruit of knowledge (Science,Technology and Arts), not acknowledging God or purposing it to God's glory, Man‘s mind, influenced by the Devil, is deceived, corrupt and increases in wickedness and pride.
Man is under this compulsive devil's bondage and struggles with his self moral-consciousness.
God’s heart desire is to Redeem Man -restore him into fellowship with Him hence dominion, blessing and eternal life through Christ Jesus, the foundation of the Christian faith and the Penticostal Church. Satan is defeated by Christ's victory on the Cross!
This book gives insights and the basic knowledge about the #ChristianFaith“ -God's provisions for a purposeful life.
Come, taste and see the Lord is good! Psalm 38.4