Managing with Systems Thinking: Making Dynamics Work for You in Business Decision Making
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
1. Why do I see what I see? 2. Why do things stay the same? 3. Why do things change?
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
non-linear problem? For example, predator-prey relationships
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
general systems theory also helped provide alternatives to conventional organization, putting the emphasis on a holistic approach versus a reductionist approach and organisms versus mechanisms
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
interdisciplinary, rather than a standalone discipline
relating more than one branch of knowledge
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
general systems theory (GST)
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
some countries—actors
Mei Hàhas quoted2 years ago
The theory of international relations aims to give a conceptual framework upon which complex relations between the actors of a system can be analyzed.”