Tales from the Void, a window into the lives of four main characters from Torn from Stone, the first novel in the Phoenix Series. These tales of light and darkness reveal the deepest secrets of the creatures Phoenix calls friends, and the worlds they live in.
Noiryn, a beautiful siren with a permanently closed third eye, copes with losswhile floating in the gentle currents of her private cenote.
Meanwhile, Yeren gives us an inside look at the infamous Big Foot video from 1967. Was it merely a chance encounter with a magical beast or a sinister moment deep in the woods with a creature of evil?
And Benysttakes an erotic journey into the truth of what he really is. How do pleasure and pain live so closely?
Can a warrior truly purge the violence from his soul, and will the blood on his hands ever come off? The Archer searches for answers as he fights for his life at the hands of his brethren.