bookmate game
Dan Builfford


  • b2179421273has quoted4 years ago
    Scientists have found that our brains love habits and routines
  • b1420819738has quoted4 years ago
    Remember that “outta sight is outta mind”.
  • Empleo Shiela Maehas quoted6 months ago
    break free from the bad habits which can only detract us from
  • thupanamolokohas quoted8 months ago
    Habit change
    can help you to recreate
    yourself and transform
    your life for success
  • b6645860642has quoted3 years ago
    good habits which will enable us to achieve our goals in life, and that we break free from the bad habits which can only detract
  • zaryaabkhan077has quotedlast month
    habits are the key
    to success
  • zaryaabkhan077has quotedlast month
    I am easy to manage, but be firm with me. If you’re firm with me, I’ll put the world at your feet, but be easy with me, and I will destroy you.
  • thupanamolokohas quoted2 months ago
    you aim high, but almost no chance of hitting high if you aim low. If you aim low, the strong likelihood is that you will certainly hit low. But if you aim high, you never know, you just might hit the jackpot.
  • thupanamolokohas quoted2 months ago
    Leo Burnett
    once said it (when you reach for the stars
    , you may not quite grab one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud
    either). This is just to say that a high target
    motivates you and compels
    you to get more aggressive and creative in seeking to achieve it.
  • thupanamolokohas quoted2 months ago
    Your answer to this question must be honest, realistic
    , and practical
Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)