Youcome home and fall into your favorite chair, full of gloom. Step oneis to become aware that you are thinking these uninspiringthoughts. Self-knowledge is the stepping stone to self-mastery.Step two is to appreciate once and for all that just as easily as youallowed those gloomy thoughts to enter, you can replace them withcheerful ones. So think of the opposite of gloom. Concentrate onbeing cheerful and energetic. Feel that you are happy. Perhaps youmight even start to smile. Move your body as you do when you arejoyful and full of enthusiasm. Sit up straight, breathe deeply andtrain the power of your mind on positive thoughts. You will noticea remarkable difference in the way you feel within minutes. Evenmore importantly, if you keep up your practice of OppositionThinking, applying it to every negative thought that habituallyvisits your mind, within weeks you will see that they no longer holdany power. Do you see what I'm getting at?"