A fan's perspective, true story, and teenage adventures of following the Philadelphia rock band Tommy Conwell and The Young Rumblers and other Philadelphia bands from the 1980's. This book tells the true story of the rise to stardom and where this band is at in their career today. It also tells the story of the author's teenage adventures following this great band and her experiences with other Philadelphia area bands as well. It is a celebration of Philadelphia music and mentions other Philadelphia area bands some who also made the big time and signed to national record deals at the time and others that remained locally famous. It's an inspiring story to give recognition to Tommy Conwell and The Young Rumblers and other Philadelphia bands such as The Hooters, Robert Hazard and the Heroes, John Eddie and The front street runners,, Pretty Poison, The A's, Berue Revue, Bricklin, Dynagroove, Heaven's Edge, Cinderella, Separate Checks, The Rivals, and others in the Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Delaware area.