It has been said before; you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with!
B. Varolhas quoted4 years ago
Money is an idea, backed by confidence.
b3075816620has quotedlast year
b3075816620has quotedlast year
If you hang out with ducks, you will quack… but if you hang out with eagles, you will soar!
b3075816620has quotedlast year
you hang out with ducks, you will quack… but if you hang out with eagles, you will soar!
b3075816620has quotedlast year
Most important of all, don’t buy anything that constitutes a liability. A liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket no matter what they are worth in the future. Think in terms of cash flow. What can I invest in today that will give me funds tomorrow?
b3075816620has quotedlast year
Food – eat healthily and you can even think clearer Laziness – The biggest thing that will hold you back!
b3075816620has quotedlast year
You see, when you invest in yourself, it means taking on the importance of educating yourself
b3075816620has quotedlast year
Invest in Yourself
The most important and No.1 rule is “Invest in Yourself” – if you don’t, who else will?
Ова мисао се константно показује и искрено вјерујем да је тако. Што си бољи и више вриједиш твој став је квалитетнији, привлачиш боље ствари и дешавају ти се боље ствари. Стрпљивији си, све ти иде глат. Константно улажу у себе!
b3075816620has quotedlast year
Leveraging on resources and other people - business people, leaders If you are a professional