«This [book] is a guide to improving writing, with a major focus on demonstrating proper English grammar and compositionÖ.This is a must have reference to be kept at the writer's side.» Score:100, 5 stars
Now you can learn and apply the basic principles of writing style, composition, grammar, word usage, and misusage, to the field of health care.
With the Health Professionals Style Manual you will learn to improve your message and communicate more effectively. With up-to-date resources and references, these are just some of the rules and tools you will learn to use in your own writing:
Style and SubstanceArt of Effective WritingTips and PitfallsRedundancies, Euphemisms, and ClichesComputers and the InternetCommon Abbreviations and AcronymsCommonly Misspelled WordsUsing Prefixes and SuffixesCommon Proofreader's MarksElectronic ResourcesIf you're a researcher, student or professional specializing in the health related professions, this new, handy guide will help you improve your writing style and hone your grammar and word usage skills.