Frank Lee Woodward

The Buddha's Path of Virtue / A Translation of the Dhammapada

  • Cy Barrónhas quoted4 years ago
    Not with other men's faults and other men's failings,
    Nor the things they have done, nor the things left undone,
    Should the wise man be concerned;
    Let him look to his own things done and undone.
  • Paul Eskekildehas quoted6 years ago
    The Scriptures of the Buddhist Canon are known collectively as the Ti-piṭaka (Sansk. Tri-piṭaka), "the Three Baskets or Treasuries". These divisions correspond to the two Testaments of the Christian Bible and contain (excluding repetitions) more than twice as much matter. They are known separately as the Vinaya piṭaka, Sutta piṭaka and Abhidhamma piṭaka, the Basket of Discipline, the Basket of Discourses and the Basket of Metaphysics
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