Why was it that I’d managed to hold on to my cool with Michael and Sloane, but now that Dean was here, I could feel myself starting to slip?
Moon.Deehas quoted24 days ago
Locke met my gaze. “You.”
melhas quotedlast month
I didn’t really think five people counted as “privacy,” but I was too stuck on Sloane’s words to nitpick Lia’s.
melhas quotedlast month
Why was it that I’d managed to hold on to my cool with Michael and Sloane, but now that Dean was here, I could feel myself starting to slip?
melhas quotedlast month
“You like Agent Locke. You like all of her little lessons. And you like the idea of helping out with real cases even more.”
melhas quotedlast month
“She can handle anything you throw at her.”
I looked at Dean, surprised. He was the last person I expected to be making this argument on my behalf.
melhas quotedlast month
“I don’t get jealous,” Michael said. “I get even.”
melhas quotedlast month
“I dare you,” Lia said, relishing each and every word, “to kiss Dean.”
melhas quotedlast month
“Let’s just say that I have the rare ability to be dissatisfied wherever I am,” Michael said, “although I’m starting to think this place has its perks.” This time, instead of messing with my ponytail, he pushed a stray piece of hair out of my face.
melhas quotedlast month
“Really?” Agent Locke said, eyeing the look on my face. “I was just kidding, but you’ve got I-was-up-late-with-a-boy-last-night face. Maybe we should have some girl talk.”