“Your Personal Road Map for Success” will teach you how to make better use of your unlimited potential and become successful in all areas of your life. This is a “practical” course which, in a short time, will guide you to the summit of the art of living and success. This workbook has been designed not merely to be read but to be “experienced.” To “experience” you must creatively respond to information. This 12 week program is simple and concrete, and contains numerous practical applications in areas like re-educating yourself and mastering day-to-day living. Hidden inside you is a goldmine of natural talents. Higher natural aptitudes have lain dormant inside you ever since you were very young. Now is the time for you to discover them. Donald Gordon Carty is one of the best presenters of Personal Development information in the world, and he is also a man with a mission, to bring this key information for achieving success to the individual person who needs it most.