“Back from Hell” by Samuel Cranston Benson is a fascinating WW1 anti-German propaganda writing. It is recommended for WWI history lovers and everyone who enjoys true-life war stories. The author is an antiwar Presbyterian minister who served as an ambulance driver in France. Later on, he became an anti-pacifist while working there. Excerpt: “A FORMER PACIFIST When the old Chicago cut loose from her moorings in an Atlantic port it was a red letter day for me. She was a good sized craft, of the French Line, and was to carry a lot of other Americans, besides myself, from the United States to France. We were all in a spirit of expectancy, mingled perhaps with sadness, for we were going over to see and have a hand in the most stupendous event of history, the Great War. Although many different motives actuated us, our destination was the same, and all of us would soon be within striking distance of the scene of action.”