Thomas Hughes

Tom Brown's School Days

411 printed pages
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  • Svetlana Krivetshas quoted6 years ago
    "Tea's directly after locking-up, you see," said East, hobbling along as fast as he could, "so you come along down to Sally Harrowell's; that's our school-house tuck-shop—she bakes such stunning murphies,
  • Svetlana Krivetshas quoted6 years ago
    It is a great room thirty feet long and eighteen high, or thereabouts, with two great tables running the whole length, and two large fireplaces at the side, with blazing fires in them, at one of which some dozen boys were standing and lounging, some of whom shouted to East
  • Svetlana Krivetshas quoted6 years ago
    Various were the amusements to which the boys then betook themsel

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