

  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    And now you bring me up in this court, which is a place not of instruction, but of punishment.
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    Happy indeed would be the condition of youth if they had one corrupter only, and all the rest of the world were their improvers. But you, Meletus, have sufficiently shown that you never had a thought about the young: your carelessness is seen in your not caring about the very things which you bring against me.
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    They improve them.
    Then every Athenian improves and elevates them; all with the exception of myself; and I alone am their corrupter? Is that what you affirm?
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    Let their affidavit be read: it contains something of this kind: It says that Socrates is a doer of evil, who corrupts the youth; and who does not believe in the gods of the state, but has other new divinities of his own
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    This confounded Socrates, they say; this villainous misleader of youth!—and then if somebody asks them, Why, what evil does he practise or teach?
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    and my occupation quite absorbs me, and I have no time to give either to any public matter of interest or to any concern of my own, but I am in utter poverty by reason of my devotion to the god.
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    to me to be much in the same case; and I further observed that upon the strength of their poetry they believed themselves to be the wisest of men in other things in which they were not wise. So I departed, conceiving myself to be superior to them for the same reason that I was superior to the politicians.
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    The poets appeared
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    Then I knew that not by wisdom do poets write poetry, but by a sort of genius and inspiration; they are like diviners or soothsayers who also say many fine things, but do not understand the meaning of them
  • Talia Garzahas quotedlast year
    After the politicians, I went to the poets; tragic, dithyrambic, and all sorts
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