Discover 1,000 thrifty tips for living a joyful life without spending a fortune!
When your expenses go up but your income doesn’t, just surviving can feel like a struggle—let alone paying down debt or putting aside savings. Is it possible to make ends meet while also building a better life?
Whether you need to get your finances under control or you want to achieve a big goal like paying off your mortgage, putting kids through school, or retiring, you need the right mindset and some smart strategies. The Ultimate Guide to Frugal Living gives you hundreds of fresh ideas that will get you in the habit of using creativity instead of cash to solve problems. Learn how to:Redefine necessitiesSet financial goalsMake delicious food on a dimeCreate an emergency fund quicklyTeach your kids to handle moneySave money with a smartphoneAnd so much more!
Even when times aren’t tight, this book can change the way you look at money, and show you how frugality can bring you less stress—and a more fulfilling life.