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Natsu Hyuuga

The Apothecary Diaries: Volume 4 (Light Novel)

  • evib2004has quoted4 months ago
    “This will be my pillow”—and put his head smack on Maomao’s knees. The crown of his head was pressed up into her stomach, and his arms were wrapped around her back.
    “Master Jinshi...”
  • Princess Thea Enriquezhas quoted5 months ago
    After a long moment, it was Maomao who spoke first: “I’m sorry, but might I ask you to protect me, Master Jinshi?”


  • ceemhas quoted2 months ago
    Jinshi gazed at Maomao’s face. There was blood on it, and her left ear was swollen, although it had been smeared with ointment. None of this would have happened to Maomao if she had never gotten involved with him. The thought made his heart ache.
  • nunezivonne16has quoted3 days ago
    What are you doing here?” he asked.

    “I seem to have been kidnapped.”

    The angle of the tilt of Lihaku’s head increased further, until it was practically horizontal. “Say, your, uh, dad...”

    “ probably exactly who you’re thinking, so please, don’t say his name. Just call him ‘the old fart’ or something; I’ll know what you mean.”

    Bowing to Maomao’s wishes, Lihaku didn’t go on, but he did tremble visibly, after which he smacked his fist into his palm as if everything made sense. Maomao didn’t know exactly which dots he thought he was connecting, but she wasn’t sure she liked it.

    Lihaku pointed to Maomao and said, “Her! It’s her!” A subordinate of his gave him a dubious look, but pulled a whistle out of the folds of his robe and blew on it. Lihaku said to Maomao, “Hey, I’m sorry about that. If you say so, I’m sure it’s true. Boy, you look a fright, though! You’re covered in blood. You hurt?”

    “It’s spatter.”

    Lihaku was as rude as ever, but he looked at her with genuine concer
  • nunezivonne16has quoted3 days ago
    That title no longer belongs to me,” Jinshi said. “A royal son has been born.”

    So Consort Gyokuyou had safely delivered her child—and it was a boy.

    So that’s who he really is, Maomao thought. For a man who wasn’t a eunuch to enter the rear palace was a serious crime. Only those who shared blood with the Emperor, or who had his specific orders, could do so.

    “You seem to have aged a good deal, Master Jinshi.” She spoke rather softly, yet he glanced in her direction with what she took to be annoyance.

    “Is Lihaku here?” Jinshi asked the soldier. The big, doglike man soon bounded into the room. “I’m leaving this in your hands,” Jinshi said, and then he left.

    Lihaku tilted his head, crossed his arms, and furrowed his brow. “Forgive me, but you look an awful lot like a young lady named Maomao who works in the palace.”

    “That would be because I am.”

    Lihaku might be making silly remarks, but instead of his usual robe of military office he was dressed in proper armor and carried a club.
  • nunezivonne16has quoted3 days ago
    his exasperated expression oddly reassuring. It was so familiar. She felt the corners of her own mouth softening into a smile.

    “Hey, is that—” Jinshi stepped closer and was about to say something, but they were interrupted by another set of approaching footsteps, and his expression changed abruptly. The look on his face was neither that of the eunuch with his delicate, nymph-like smile, nor the somehow childish young man.

    “Milord heir,” a rough-looking man said as he entered the room.

  • nunezivonne16has quoted3 days ago
    Could he possibly be here to rescue her?

    No way. Even he doesn’t have that kind of time to kill.
  • nunezivonne16has quoted3 days ago
    I safe here? Maomao wondered. She stopped when she saw the invaders in the distant light of their torches. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she knew: she was sure she had seen him. A man whose nymph-like beauty hardly seemed fit for a battlefield. Clothed in armor of an expensive color, he cut a dashing figure, like a real soldier.
  • nunezivonne16has quoted3 days ago
    was just crunching his way over the filthy snow when he spotted someone entering the fortress. A man, his white cloak and long black hair lovely in the night. Lihaku, who had never expected to think of any man as “lovely”—let alone in the middle of a battle—smiled wryly to himself.

    One would never have expected to see this man on the battlefield at all. With his flawless features, he was at once the groundskeeper of the garden that was the rear palace and, arguably, one of its flowers. But with him, “flower” might be taken to refer to something else: the meaning of the name Ka. The man’s hair, partially tied up, was held in place with a silver hair stick. Anyone who saw the design would have thrown themselves flat on the ground.

    The name of their country, Li, was written by repeating the character for sword three times. But above those swords was a symbol meaning grass—or flower. In the whole country, there were only two people with the name Ka. And he was one of them.
  • nunezivonne16has quoted3 days ago
    Jinshi’s thoughts were interrupted by a voice. “—getsu.” It was Gaoshun, calling him by his true name. The crease in his brow seemed to have gotten deeper. “You’re going to have to change how you interact with the young lady after this.” He sounded as if he were admonishing a child.

    “I know.” Jinshi sighed deeply, his breath fogging in the cold air. He shivered, and pulled his white hooded cloak up over his head.
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