George S. Schuyler

Black No More

  • b2749865058has quoted6 years ago
    that a white skin was a sure indication of the possession of superior intellectual and moral qualities; that all Negroes were inferior to them; that God had intended for the United States to be a white man’s country and that with
  • Clairehas quoted4 years ago
    mind was a kaleidoscope: Atlanta, sea-green eyes, slender figure, titian hair, frigid manner
  • Clairehas quoted4 years ago
    She looked up at him haughtily with cool green eyes, somewhat astonished at his insolence and yet perhaps secretly intrigued, but her reply lacked nothing in definiteness.
  • Shima Oliaeehas quoted4 years ago
    “Well, do you remember Dr. Junius Crookman, that colored fellow that went to Germany to study about three years ago? He’s just come back and the Times claims he’s announced a sure way to turn darkies white. Thought you might be interested after the way you fell for that ofay broad last night. They say Crookman’s going to open a sanitarium in Harlem right away. There’s your chance, Big Boy, and it’s your only chance.” Bunny chuckled.

    “Oh, ring off,” growled Max. “That’s a lot of hooey.”

    But he was impressed and a little excited. Suppose there was something to it? He dressed hurriedly, after a cold shower, and went out to the newsstand. He bought a Times and scanned its columns. Yes, there it was:

  • Shima Oliaeehas quoted4 years ago
    he fell asleep about five o’clock and promptly dreamed of her. Dreamed of dancing with her, dining with her, motoring with her, sitting beside her on a golden throne while millions of manacled white slaves prostrated themselves before him. Then there was a nightmare of grim, gray men with shotguns, baying hounds, a heap of gasoline-soaked faggots and a screeching, fanatical mob.

    He awoke covered with perspiration. His telephone was ringing and the late morning sunshine was streaming into his room. He leaped from bed and lifted the receiver.

    “Say,” shouted Bunny, “did you see this morning’s Times?”

    “Hell no,” growled Max, “I just woke up. Why, what’s in it?”
  • Shima Oliaeehas quoted4 years ago
    “No,” she said icily, “I never dance with niggers!” Then turning to her friend, she remarked: “Can you beat the nerve of these darkies?” She made a little disdainful grimace with her mouth, shrugged daintily and dismissed the unpleasant incident.
  • Shima Oliaeehas quoted4 years ago
    He sauntered over to the table in his most sheikish manner and stood looking down at the shimmering strawberry blond. She was indeed ravishing and her exotic perfume titilated his nostrils despite the clouds of cigarette smoke.

    “Would you care to dance?” he asked, after a moment’s hesitation.

    She looked up at him haughtily with cool green eyes, somewhat astonished at his insolence and yet perhaps secretly intrigued, but her reply lacked nothing in definiteness.
  • Shima Oliaeehas quoted4 years ago
    “I’m going over and ask her to dance,” Max suddenly announced to the surprised Bunny.

    “Say not so!” exclaimed that worthy. “You’re fixin’ to get in dutch, Big Boy.”
  • Shima Oliaeehas quoted4 years ago
    “My, my, my!” said Max, sitting up alertly.

    The party consisted of two men and four women. They were escorted to a table next to the one occupied by the two colored dandies. Max and Bunny eyed them covertly. The tall girl was certainly a dream.

    “Now that’s my speed,” whispered Bunny.

    “Be yourself,” said Max. “You couldn’t touch her with a forty-foot pole.”

    “Oh, I don’t know, Big Boy,” Bunny beamed self-confidently, “You never can tell! You never can tell!”

    “Well, I can tell,” remarked Disher, “ ’cause she’s a cracker.”

    “How you know that?”

    “Man, I can tell a cracker a block away. I wasn’t born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, for nothin’, you know. Just listen to her voice.”

    Bunny listened. “I believe she is,” he agreed.
  • Shima Oliaeehas quoted4 years ago
    “Looky here! Lawdy Lawd!” exclaimed Bunny, pointing to the doorway. A party of white people had entered. They were all in evening dress and in their midst was a tall, slim, titian-haired girl who had seemingly stepped from heaven or the front cover of a magazine.
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