In a Shot of Malaria, Charles Souby unfolds the twisted story of a young man, Daniel Martin, desperately hooked on heroin, alcohol and his own delusions. Set in San Francisco in the nineties and written as a deadpan, first-person narrative, the novel captures and ugly realities of addiction with sharp, ironic humor.
A powerful, empathetic study of place and character with great depth.
-Kirkus Review
Definitely a book that will make you smile and think, Charles Souby has given readers a thoughtful experience with A SHOT OF MALARIA."
-Cyrus Webb conversations live
Readers will find a wealth of wisdom in these pages. As Danny notes: “We were both suicidal, but it wasn't the dying that scared us, it was the living.”
-Blue Ink Review
Souby manages to make Martin, …completely appealing and sympathetic…. While I think some of its content might offend the squeamish, it's a book that I believe will resonate with readers who stick with it. We might not all be heroin addicts, but we all have our stuff, whatever that stuff is.”
-23rd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Award