Neil Forrester


George Titushas quoted2 years ago
Customer Support
You should only work with a broker that has an active and professional customer support team. The customer support will help you in case you have any inquiries, especially if you encounter any technical problems.
George Titushas quoted2 years ago
A good practice is to use several hot wallets from different trustworthy wallet providers. If you are doing a long-term investment, then you might want to also use a cold wallet.
George Titushas quoted2 years ago
Do You Need a Trading Broker?
If you just want to invest in a particular cryptocurrency using the usually buy and hold strategy, then you do not need to sign up for an account with a cryptocurrency trading broker. For such purpose, all you need is a cryptocurrency wallet. However, if you want to trade cryptocurrencies or make investments in not-so-known altcoins, then you need to have a trading account with a cryptocurrency broker.
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