Rollo Tomassi

  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    There is no ONE. This is the soul-mate myth. There are some good Ones and some bad Ones, but there is no ONE
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    The same neurotic desperation that drives a person to settle for their ONE whether healthy or unhealthy is the same insecurity that paralyzes them from abandoning a damaging relationship – This is their ONE and how could they ever live without them? Or, they’re my ONE, but all I need is to fix myself or fix them to have my idealized relationship.
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    Emotional investment, personal, financial, even life-potential investments and sacrifices then follow in an effort to create a soul-mate. In the absence of an ideal, one must be created from available resources
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who

    needs the other the least.
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    Here’s a cosmic secret revealed for you:

    Real Power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real Power is the degree to which we actually control the directions of our lives.
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    So entrapped are we in our self-expectation and self-imposed limitations that we fail to see that we have always had the keys to our own prisons – we’re just scared shitless to use them.
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    Every technique, every casual response, every gesture, intimation and subcommunication hinges on stimulating a woman’s imagination.
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    This is the single greatest failing of average frustrated chumps; they vomit out everything about themselves, divulging the full truth of themselves to women in the mistaken belief that women desire that truth as a basis for qualifying for their intimacy.
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    Learn this now: Women never want full disclosure. Nothing is more self-satisfying for a woman than to think she’s figured a Man out based solely on her mythical feminine intuition (i.e. imagination).
  • Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted9 months ago
    Familiarity is anti-seductive. Nothing kills Game, organic passion and libido like comfortable familiarity. Despite their common filibuster tactics, women don’t want to be comfortable with a potential (or proven) sex partner, they need their imaginations stoked to be excited, aroused and anxious to want sex with a potential partner.
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